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☆JNA Licencia de nailist 1er grado
☆JNS Licencia de uñas de gel Avansada
☆JNA Gestión de higiene de la Salón de manicura
☆U.S.A. Manicurista de la cosmetología de la junta estatal.
☆Educadora de Hand & Nail Harmony
Difference between Acliryc / Gel / Gel Polish (Shellac)
Many salon advertising that they do gel nails, but are actually doing an acrylic nail with a gel overlay are using dishonest business practices.What is Gel Polish?What are Gel Nails?The Gel sleeve are that there are “hard” gels and “soft” gels. An Acrylic Nail With a Gel Overlay is NOT a Gel Nail.
In Summation; Liquid + powder = acrylic. Gel consistency in a jar, bottle or tube + a UV or LED lamp = gel.

LED/UV Lamps (skin cancer?)
Finally, the US Food and Drug Administration (aka FDA) has recognized, UV nail lamps are safe as used in nail salons. In July, 2017 the FDA released this statement, “...the FDA views nail curing lamps as low risk when used as directed by the label. UV nail lamps are NOT like tanning beds. UV nail lamps are safer than natural sunlight or sunlamps.
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